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Meet Heatable. We’re delighted to be joined in this Installer Spotlight edition by Ben Price, who, along with his brother, Sam, founded the formidable Heatable. As one of the UK’s leading and respected boiler and solar & storage companies, with an installer network of 500+, 20K boilers installed in the UK and partnerships with major global brands, it’s not surprising that they are The UK’s Which? Trusted Traders for two years running.

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Can you tell us about the origins of your company and the key services you offer? How did you venture into the field of renewable energy, specifically battery energy storage systems?

Heatable launched in 2017, with the aim of empowering consumers to access high quality energy saving products, installed to a class leading standard and at the lowest prices possible. We use digital quoting and design technology to provide instant, online fixed quotations for solar PV, battery storage and heating systems.

Please provide some information around the size
of company and your team?

We employ over 60 people from our UK head office, based in Warrington, Cheshire.
Our teams compromise of designers, project coordinators, customer services and in house development.

In which geographical areas do you primarily operate, and what would you say are people’s attitudes, both home and commercial, to renewable energy?

We operate and install nationally. Clients attitudes towards energy conservation, renewable production and bill savings continues to increase. Following the advent of the recent energy crisis, we have seen a significant increase in demand for consumers wanting to escape volatile energy markets.

Could you describe your typical customer? How do you tailor your services to meet the diverse needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients?

A typical customer for Heatable is one who is seeking easy to access fixed pricing from a stable and dependable installer. Across our portfolio of products we see a wide range of customer demographics. Heatable aims to offer a product and package within everyone’s budget, backed by our exacting installation standards.

What motivated your decision to partner with AlphaESS UK for battery energy storage solutions? How has this partnership enhanced the value you provide to your customers?

Heatable has always looked to partner with likeminded suppliers to ensure that our customers have access to the best technology at affordable prices.

Given the value of a renewable investment, reliability is a primary concern for our specification team. AlphaESS home battery storage have performed exceptionally throughout our rigours testing and live installations. This has given us the confidence to grow market share with them and include them as a fundamental product in our line up.

From your experience, what sets AlphaESS products apart from other energy storage solutions in the market? Can you share a particularly interesting and successful installation story involving an AlphaESS system?

The number one standout feature has been reliability. Both in terms of commissioning and long term product performance. Our front line support teams are rarely bothered by functionality complaints, failure or fault diagnostics. Almost to the point where they probably don’t even know we install them.

How do you stay informed about the latest developments in the energy sector, and how do these trends impact your business strategies and the solutions you offer?

Industry publications, events and tradeshows.
We are always keen to ensure we are offering the latest product lines for our customers. Keeping close to industry ensures we retain our competitive edge both commercially and from a specification perspective.

What advice would you give to someone considering integrating battery energy storage into their home or business? How does AlphaESS facilitate this transition?

My advice would be to have a full assessment by a reputable installer to ensure both the size and specification of your chosen system is correct. Also, your energy tariff is as important as the battery you install.
Alpha offer expert product advice and sizing to our design teams.

Can the UK hit its Net Zero targets? If you were energy minister for the UK, what would you be doing?

Yes, we can.
Given that the fundamental requirement to cut emissions is to electrify our homes and transport I would start by turning every home in to a powerplant. Support the installation of solar PV and battery storage to greater extent.

Looking ahead, how do you see renewable energy and battery energy storage evolving in the UK’s energy landscape? What are your company’s plans for growth and adaptation in this changing environment?

Heatable have an ambition to be the leading UK installer of solar pv and battery storage systems.
The demand for our products has never been higher and we predict year on year growth for the sector. This is a fast moving market and the decarbonisation is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

What message would you like to give to other installers or companies considering a partnership with AlphaESS UK?

If you’re a long term business then reliability of your installations should be a principle consideration. We have not installed a better solution than Alpha ESS.